Βασικά χαρακτηριστικά

Palm Beach Promise™—Hunter Douglas offer a lifetime guarantee that your Palm Beach shutters will never warp, crack, fade, chip, peel or discolor.

Water Resistant—The unique Polysatin™ compound is resistant to moisture and mildew, so Palm Beach shutters work very well in damp or humid spaces.

Duralux™ Finish—This special treatment creates the look of a finely painted shutter with a matte finish on all of Hunter Douglas’ Palm Beach™ shutters Polysatin™ colors.

Built To Last—Interior aluminum bracing and resin blocks add superior strength.

Motorization—Palm Beach shutters with PowerView® Motorization are the only motorized shutter on the market, perfect for hands-free louver operation. An exclusive override feature also allows for manual operation; simply move the louvers by hand without worrying about damaging the motor.

Palm Beach™ Polysatin™ Shutters

Hunter Douglas Palm Beach™ Polysatin™ Shutters Collection


Προσανατολισμός Οριζόντιος
Μεγέθη περσίδων 2 1/2", 3 1/2" ή 4 1/2"
Πλάτη 7" έως 289"
Ύψη 8 7/8" έως 120"
Σχήματα ειδικότητας Καμάρες, γωνίες, εξάγωνα, οκτάγωνα, παράθυρα κόλπων, γωνιακά παράθυρα, μπαλκονόπορτες, συρόμενες γυάλινες πόρτες, γαλλικές πόρτες και αποκόμματα.
Χρώματα Τρία μοντέρνα χρώματα στο φινίρισμα ™ DuraLux.
Αδιαφάνεια Φιλτράρισμα φωτός και σκουρόχρωμο δωμάτιο.

Beauty and quality are what Hunter Douglas Palm Beach™ Polysatin™ Shutters bring to your home. With the look of natural hardwood combined with innovative Polysatin™ material, Palm Beach™ shutters are a beautiful balance of long-term durability with the look of genuine hardwood. This collection of shutters is UV-resistant and their Polysatin™ material prevents warping, cracking, fading, chipping, and peeling, guaranteed; For this reason, Palm Beach™ shutters are highly recommended for hot or humid rooms like bathrooms and kitchens.

Turn your custom Palm Beach™ shutters into motorized window treatments with PowerView® Automation. Use the PowerView® App or the Pebble® remote for light and privacy control on your schedule. Even create pre-set schedules your custom shutters to automatically open and close whenever is convenient for you.